понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

wild world

In the past everything was much easier. Well that "past" was like a year ago, but yeah,still I changed a lot, and not only me.. the whole world around appears to be completely different.
Before I turned 15 I had other views on life, yeah i know sounds funny but i wont lie. :p This is the reason the world is kinda complicated for me, cause there are always changes happening !
The "symptoms" of my "growing up are countless. Really now. First thing- yes ofcourse its my school.I started to be extremely lazy.. In the beginning of the year i thought i have shitloads of time to study and pass my exams. I was chillin all days long starting from september, I was hanging out with my friens everytime im able to, i was coming home late.. Finally somehow, 1 week before my wxams i started revising (thanks God!!!), and i passed. EXEPT history. 33 % wohoo! so yeah, i had to drop it. Well i could leave but that wouldnt be the best desicion.
Oh yeeah, i didnt tell yopu about my sprin report? OMFG, once i saw it i hid it somewhere deep in my cupboard and never seen it again. It is horrible. I dont know why it happenes to me, why i go down with my grades and why im being lazy .. honestly i have no idea. Im trying to improve, i really do now. And i will! 
My exams are in 2 weeks ..so i started my revision yesterday. Hope it helps. I will try my best i promise! Ill do well.
So now you see how I care about exams and my future. Im developing like everyone else (:

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